Thursday, January 23, 2020

ESSAY ON 3 WAR POEMS -- English Literature

ESSAY ON 3 WAR POEMS No man wants to go to war and no government wants war but there are many different circumstances that lead to the action of war. Those involved in war will have political and personal views towards it. The First World War was greeted with great enthusiasm and patriotism; however it was the war in which millions died compared to the wars after. In the past 200 years warfare has changed and with this change the ideas on war have changed too. Wilfred Owen, Rudyard Kipling and David Roberts are well known war poets. Using a selection of their poems we hope to analyze the two conflicting views on war. To understand what influenced the poets we need to get an idea of their social and historical background. The poet Rudyard Kipling was an ex army official so his poems on war can be trusted. However during Kipling’s war days war was not fully mechanized so Kipling cannot really describe the horror of WW1. In his poem ‘For All We Have and Are’ Rudyard Kipling uses words and phrases like â€Å"For all our children’s fate† to emphasize the need for war, Saying if you are not going to fight for yourself than fight for your children. He than justifies going to war by saying â€Å"a crazed and driven foe†. I think by this he means that our foe is mentally disturbed we have to stop him for his own and others benefit. He than says â€Å"The Hun is at the gate† Meaning that the Germans are coming. If we don’t go out and meet them they will attack us. He also curses the Germans by calling them Huns. The Huns were originally an ancient tribe who ravaged and plundered every where they went. By calling the Germans, Huns Rudyard Kipling suggests that they are the same and present a danger to all so we hav... ... the stupidity of the war and uses sarcastic phrases such as ‘It must take guts to drop those bombs on defenceless people who had no chance’ to emphasize the unfairness of the war. Roberts also says ‘Your boys didn’t have to maim and kill or break the hearts of other mothers’ by this statement I think he means that I know your depressed about the loss of your sons but think of the other mothers whose hearts your sons broke by killing people who like them were just following orders. In this poem I feel David Roberts challenges the government’s decision to go to war against Iraq by calling this war the ‘shamefullest of wars’ and by highlighting the depression and death it has already caused. If you look at the differences between the 3 poems described you will find that as time want on and war got uglier you started hearing more of the truth about war.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Appendix H

Associate Level Material American Rangelands and Forests Part 1 Choose either a rangeland or a forest of the United States and describe current federal management strategies. Explain federal efforts to manage these lands sustainably by completing the chart below. |Rangeland or Forest Location |Brief History of | | | |Rangeland or | | | |Forest | |Research and identify the effects of |Review environmental websites and journals. |Month 1–3 | |air pollution. | | | |Document the sources of air pollution and both environmental and health| | | |effects of air pollution. | | | | | | | |Document video interviews of environmental researchers and | | | |facilitators. | |Develop an education program about |Develop a presentation about why this program is needed and include air|Month 1–3 | |air pollution effects. |pollution’s ill effects, the lifestyle changes that will be required, | | | |and the benefits and challenges of change. | | |Schedule a presentation day and time. |Attend a monthly HOA meeting to present the benefits of the program. |Month 4 | | | | | |Request that the HOA board add the presentation to the following | | | |month’s agenda. | | | | | | | |Document the audio and visual equipment needed for presentation and | | | |layout of the room. | |Identify and invite community |Tally the number of homes in the community. |Month 4–5 | |participants. | | | | |Create and distribute flyers to homes announcing the next HOA meeting | | | |and the educational program that will be introduced. | | Blank Sample Action Plan Action Items |Action Steps |Timeline | |(in order) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Add more rows if needed | | | References Corporation for National & Community Service. (n. d. ). Sample sustainability plan. In Toolkit for program sustainability, capacity building, and volunteer recruitment/management (Section 4). Retrieved from http://www. nationalserviceresources. org/filemanager/download/online/sustainabilit y_plan. pdf.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Calorimetry and Heat Flow Worked Chemistry Problems

Calorimetry is the study of heat transfer and changes of state resulting from chemical reactions, phase transitions, or physical changes. The tool used to measure heat change is the calorimeter. Two popular types of calorimeters are the coffee cup calorimeter and bomb calorimeter. These problems demonstrate how to calculate heat transfer and enthalpy change using calorimeter data. While working these problems, review the sections on coffee cup and bomb calorimetry and the laws of thermochemistry. Coffee Cup Calorimetry Problem The following acid-base reaction is performed in a coffee cup calorimeter: H(aq) OH-(aq) → H2O(l) The temperature of 110 g of water rises from 25.0 C to 26.2 C when 0.10 mol of H is reacted with 0.10 mol of OH-. Calculate qwaterCalculate ΔH for the reactionCalculate ΔH if 1.00 mol OH- reacts with 1.00 mol H Solution Use this equation: q (specific heat) x m x Δt Where q is heat flow, m is mass in grams, and Δt is the temperature change. Plugging in the values given in the problem, you get: qwater 4.18 (J / g ·C;) x 110 g x (26.6 C - 25.0 C)qwater 550 JΔH -(qwater) - 550 J You know that when 0.010 mol of H or OH- reacts, ΔH is - 550 J: 0.010 mol H ~ -550 J Therefore, for 1.00 mol of H (or OH-): ΔH 1.00 mol H x (-550 J / 0.010 mol H)ΔH -5.5 x 104 JΔH -55 kJ Answer 550 J (Be sure to have two significant figures.)-550 J-55 kJ Bomb Calorimetry Problem When a 1.000 g sample of the rocket fuel hydrazine, N2H4, is burned in a bomb calorimeter, which contains 1,200 g of water, the temperature rises from 24.62 C to 28.16 C. If the C for the bomb is 840 J/C, calculate: qreaction  for combustion of a 1-gram sampleqreaction  for combustion of one mole of hydrazine in the bomb calorimeter Solution For a bomb calorimeter, use this equation: qreaction   -(qwater   qbomb)qreaction   -(4.18 J / g ·C x mwater  x Δt C x Δt)qreaction   -(4.18 J / g ·C x mwater   C)Δt Where q is  heat flow, m is mass in grams, and Δt is the temperature change. Plugging in the values given in the problem: qreaction   -(4.18 J / g ·C x 1200 g 840 J/C)(3.54 C)qreaction   -20,700 J or -20.7 kJ You now know that 20.7 kJ of heat is evolved for every gram of hydrazine that is burned. Using the  periodic table  to get  atomic weights, calculate that one mole of hydrazine, N2H4, weight 32.0 g. Therefore, for the combustion of one mole of hydrazine: qreaction   32.0 x -20.7 kJ/gqreaction   -662 kJ Answers -20.7 kJ-662 kJ